Most Recent Entry
January 13:Beginner's Guide to French
Past Entries:
December 4:Hanukkah & Christmas
December 6: Places to get gifts :)
January 1, 2000: New Year's Stuff
January 2, 2000: Y2K Preparation, in retrospect
January 17: Misc. Links
January 28: Robin Hood, more than a myth
February 5: Cats
February 13: The Magic 8-ball, and other great mysteries
March 17: Behold, the Shockwave games
April 9 Psycho!!!!
April 12 Austin Powers, and other groovy things
April 14 Easter
April 22 :Personal Lives Revealed- Diary Extravaganza (incl. mine)
May 7:Jars of Clay
May 20:College Bound
May 27:Girl Scouts
June 3:Nifty Software (for girls)
June 8:Page O' Freaks
June 13:Creative Writing
June 20:Angels
June 30:Faeries
July 5:Chapstick
July 12:Ever After- A Cinderlla Story
July 15:Cyber Pets
July 25:Music
August 1:Online Shopping Guide
August 7:The Life and Times of Claude Monet
August 11:The Incredible World of Harry Potter
August 16:Quotes Galore
August 21:52 Card Pick up
August 25:Sunflower Seeds
August 31:Monologues for All Occasions
September 2:Scarily Close Phrophecies
September 10:Urban Legends
September 20:Jelly Beans
September 30:The Great Drink Debate
October 1:Leave A Message at the Beep
October 2:Breast Cancer Awareness Month
October 5:Page of Dumbness
October 7:Halloween
October 18:Diary entry
October 19:The Best Fan Sites I Could Find
October 23:Beetle Mania
October 31:Slumber Party Help Page
November 4:Titanic
Novemb er 7:Barbie
November 23:Thanksgiving
December 21:Christmas
December 25:PRINTABLE!!!! Who am I? Quiz
December 31:New Year's
January 1:Clothes Shopping for Those Under 25
January 6:Decorating guide to...
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