Your driving home from a baby-sitting job out in the country. The road is deserted except for you. There isn't a house to be seen. All of a sudden you see a dark shape coming around the corner ahead of you...a car. It's lights are off. You dp the considerate thing and flash your own lights, reminding them of where they are hoping they will turn their lights on. You meet them and they immediately whip their shiny red sports car around. They begin to follow you. They come up beside you and shoot you. Your family learns it had all been part of a gang initiation. And thi sall happened to your Aunt's friend's cousin. Come on, admit it, you've heard this story. Everyone has by now. What's sad is that even after this story was featured in the movie Urban Legends, people still swear it's really happened, I know people like this. This web page is here to kill this belief and many others.
The Great Library of Congress Fraternity
Urban Legends
The AFU and Urban Legends Archive
Urban Legends Reference Page
Urban Legends and Modern Myths
Urban Legends: Final Cut
Urban Legends
Just for Fun
The Urban Legend
Make Your Own Urban Legend