College Bound

(Things you know and should know)

Scholarship Search Engines
CASHE (Sallie May)
Mach 25

College Search Engines
College Guidance Services
Peterson's (My personal #1 choice)
CollegeView (membership required for some things, kind of annoying)
US News & World Report College Rankings

College Orientation and Community Sites
College Club
Roomates from Hell (I promise, most roomates aren't)
Real College Life

Dorm Cams
Why anyone would do this is beyond me!
Emily Ahearn (MIT)
Blount Cam (Rhodes)
Several Dorm Cam Links

What They Didn't Tell You To Pack:
Print it and take it to the store!!!

1.Handiwipes (especially if you don't have a sink in the room)
2.Putty (to hang up poseters)
3.Staple gun (cause it makes small barely noticeable holes in the wall)
4.Botled water or a water purifier pitcher (dorm water generally stinks!)
5.Wipe off board for the door (great for friends to leave messages when your not home)
6.Throw quilt (you never know where you'll crash)
7.More than one laundry bag!!!
8.Raid and powerful roach motels (if you have to ask, you don't want to know)
9.Big floor rug (unless it's already carpeted)
10.Lots of quarters!!!! (for washer/dryer, snack machine...)
11.Tea/Coffee (not for studying, you won't do that to late, but just hanging out late at night)
12.Air freshener (I suggest Glade Plug-Ins)
13.Pepto Bismol, Aspirin and other meds (germs are easily and quickly spread around campuses, I never ot sick till I lived on campus)
14.Breath mints/spray (you won't get to brush as often as you like.)
15.Safety Pins
16.Drying rack (you'd be amazed how many people didn't have one, and thought I was a genious for buying one.)

E-mail me your college questions (please write 'college' in subject line)