I've always been fascinated by those deck of cards that give you all sorts of fun things to do and ideas. Here's a few of my favorites from 52 Relaxing Rituals by Lynn Gordon.
1.Regress: Take time out to be a kid every day. Blow bubbles, roll down hills, finger paint, eat with your hands, etc. Even go to the zoo. Try Saturday morning cartoons with Fruit Loops.
2.Brain Dump:Write on paper or in a notebook for 15 minutes with your favorite pen. Write whatever you are thinking, it doesn't have o be coherent. Don't censor! Just let it come out.
3.Eye for an Eye: Eyeball excercies, with open or closed eyes roll your eye-balls around by looking right, left, up, and down. Comfort tired eyes with compresses: Use cold, sliced cucumber rounds, spoons you've let chill in the freezer, frozen gel mask, or a hot wash cloth. Great after a good cry or to soothe allergies.
4.Tea for One: Keep a collection of nifty teapots and great tea on hand. Sit quietly and sip tea. Chamomille and alerian root are known to relax (Kristin's Note: I feel valerian is gross, but many people enjoy it).Mint and lemon rejuvenate.
5.The Lighter Side: Read comics and cut out your favorites. Go to a comedy club instead of a movie. Laugh at yourself. Smile as you walk down the street and watch your smile catch on.
6.Stretch Yourself: Start your morning and end your day with stretches. Stretch slowly and don't bounce on stretches, that can hurt your muscles.
7.Food for the Soul: Take time to fix a real, healthy meal.
8.Total Distraction: Go to a loud concert or people watch at a mall.
9.Melt Away Worries: Write your end of the week problems big and small on seperate scraps of paper. Light candles. Burn each piece and watch your cares melt away. Great for alone or with a small group of friends.
10.Exert Energy: Excercise! Jog, aerobics, dance, whatever you enjoy.
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