Scarily Close Prophesies

November 2, 2000

"The fiery year as soon as O'er,
Peace shall then be as before;
Plenty everywhere be found,
And men with swords shall plough the ground.
The time shall come when seas of blood
Shall mingle with a greater flood.
Carriages without horses shall go.
And accidents fill the world with woe.

Around the world thoughts shall fly
In the twinkling of an eye.

Waters shall yet more wonders do,
How strange yet shall be true.
The world upside down shall be,
And gold found at the root of a tree.

Through hills men shall ride
And no horse or ass be by their side;
Under water men shall walk,
Shall ride, shall sleep, shall talk;
In the air men shall be seen,
In white, in black, and in green.

Iron in the water shall float
As easy as a wooden boat;
Gold shall be found, and found
In a land that's not now known.
Fire and water shall more wonders do
England shall at last admit a Jew;
The Jew that was held in scorn
Shall of a Christian be born and born.

A house of glass shall come to pass
In England, but alas!
War will follow with the work
In the land of the Pagan and Turk
And state and state in fierce strife
Will seek each other's life
But when the North shall divide the South
An eagle shall build in the lion's mouth.

An Ape shall appear in a Leap year
That shall put all womankind in fear
And Adam's make shall be disputed
And Roman faith shall like rooted,
And England will turn around.

Thunder shall shake the earth;
Lightning shall rend asunder;
Water shall fill the earth;
Fire shall do its work.

Three times shall lovely France
Be led to dance a bloody dance;
Before her people shall be free.
Three tyrant rulers shall she see;
Three times the People rule alone;
Three times the People's hope is gone;
Three rulers in succession see,
Each spring from different dynasty.
Then shall the worser fight be done,
England and France shall be as one.

Waters shall flow where corn shall grow
Corn shall grow where waters doth flow
Houses shall appear in the vales below
And covered by hail and snow;
White shall be black then turn grey
And a fair Lady be married thrice.

All England's sons that plough the land
Shall be seen, book in hand;
Learning shall so ebb and flow,
The poor shall most wisdom know."

Cute little poem huh? Seemingly all about cars, submarines, diving suits, planes, Internet, everything in our modern world. Possibly event the California Gold Rush. Actually it’s more spine tingling than cute. You see, this "poem" is actually a prophecy written over 450 years ago by Mother Shipton of England. Long before the idea of traveling across an unknown ocean to an uncertain destiny this woman saw America. She is one of many prophets, but her prophecies will forever live on in the minds of those who will listen. One thing is to be questioned though. She prophecied that, "When the world to an end shall come, in eighteen hundred and eighty one."  Of course this did not happen.  She also prophecies the end of the world to be after the High Bridge falls three times. My research has shown that it has fallen twice. Should we worry? Honestly, I think this will be the only prophecy that falls flat. Reason 1: People have prophesied for hundreds of years about the end of the world and nothing has remotely come of it. Reason 2: The Bible states, "...for you know very well that the day of the Lord will come like a thief in the night."    (1 Thessalonians 5:2, NIV).  Never the less, her prophecies are quite compelling. What is interesting about Mother Shipton is how little she is studied. If asked who the most accurate non-Biblical prophet was, most people would say Nostradamus. Indeed, his prophesy were amazing but none so as Mother Shipton. None the less I have provided links at the bottom for his prophecies as well as links for some Mother Shipton sites and prophecies of the Bible. Enjoy.

Prophecies of the Bible
Apocalyptic Prophecies of David and Revelations
Isaiah (Includes the prophesy of Jesus' birth)
Matthew 2 (Herod's run-in with a prophet)

Nostradamus Repository
Psychic Time Machine
International Center for Nostradamian Studies
The Man Who Saw Tomorrow Nostradamus

Mother Shipton
Mother Shipton Cave
Mother Shipton Prophecies
More Prophecies




