pinkcancer.gif (1697 bytes)Breast Cancer Awareness MonthPink ribbon
National Mammography Day Oct. 20th

Don't forget October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month.


Avon Breast Cancer Crusade: The Avon Breast Cancer Crusade, founded in 1993, is a U.S.
initiative of Avon  Products, Inc. Its mission has been to provide women, particularly those who are medically underserved, with direct access to breast cancer education and early detection screening services: mammograms and clinical breast exams...


National Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Official Pagenbcam.jpg (1925 bytes)

Booklet: "What You Need to Know About Breast Cancer."

Breast Cancer Action: Breast Cancer Action carries the voices of people affected by breast cancer to inspire and compel the changes necessary to end the breast cancer epidemic.

Celebrating Life: Specifically geared towards African-American woman.

Ultimate Survivor

Beating the Odds: One woman's diary of her battle with breast cancer.
Defeating Cancer: My Aunt's story in The Tennessean.
Lily Shockney's Breast Cancer Survivor Club: Lily is the Breast Cancer Survivor National Speaker.
Gilda's Club: For survivors and struggler's of all forms of cancer. Find one near you or start your own.
