Personal Diaries
My diary from early childhood to today.
My Diary on Getting a Girlfriend
One poor guy's attempt to find a girlfriend in this crazy
world. This journal is both pathetic and incredibly humorous. It's got readers
advice on how to get a girl plus his dreams are also included. He is a
self-proclaimed loser. This is why I added this sight, we all have a little loser in
us, don't we?
Excerpts from Robert
Downey, Jr.'s Prison Diary
SPOOF! Warning, some language
on this site may be considered sensitive, read at your own risk.
A Diary Moment
This diary is very hard-hitting that starts atthe first kiss moves into the
"talk" with the authors daughter and into her middle age. Although it does
not appear to be frequently updated. i added it cause I thought some people could
really relate to it.
Asiling's Diary: Living Out Loud
The diary of an artist. Comes in several languages (French , Spanish, Elmer Fudd, Swedish
Chef, etc.)
Diary of a Lawman
One policeman's story about daily life. Pretty cool.