Fruits and Vegetables
Get a piece of fruit/vegetable and sit it in front of you.
Step 1: Examine it. Write its color(s), does it really
just have
one color? Write about its texture, size, any inconsistencies,
whatever. What might it taste like? Does it have a use
(like lemons make lemonade)? Think of other questions.
Step 2: Imagine its a person (a lemon might be just a
or a chubby man). How might they sound? Whats their favorite
food, movie, book, type of music, etc.? Whats their family
like? Are they married? A parent? Where do they live?
Think of other questions.
Step 3: Imagine the fruit is a planet. Whats its
Does it have inhabitants? Who? Think of other questions.
From Kristins Diary: